Monthly Archives: October 2016

Are you throwing money away by not refinancing?

Studies show that American homeowners are throwing away at least $13 BILLION dollars each year simply because they haven’t refinanced their home mortgages. Are you one of them? Are you sticking with a too-high interest rate because you’re not sure … Continue reading

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How A Home Can Make You Money

As home investors all know, “You make your money at the time of purchase.” How? By being a wise buyer. While it’s true that you’re buying a home to live in, not to re-sell, you still need to keep that … Continue reading

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Finally – Mortgage relief for the self-employed

The 14 million or so self-employed borrowers in the U.S. naturally mourned when the housing crisis hit and banks tightened up their lending guidelines. Gone were the days of no-doc and stated income loans. Following that, self-employed borrowers were required … Continue reading

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