Monthly Archives: May 2013

Will the Dodd-Frank Act’s Qualified Mortgage Regulation Impact You as a Borrower?

The Dodd-Frank Act, with its 2,000 plus pages, was signed into law on July 21, 2010 and touted as a consumer protection Act. In some ways that appears to be true. In others it appears to be a lender protection … Continue reading

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How to Actually Buy a House in the Hot Dallas Market

The Dallas housing market is hot right now – and you’d think that Dallas real estate professionals would be thrilled. They would be, except for one slight problem: Too little inventory for too many buyers. Agents report receiving 10 or … Continue reading

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7 Reasons to Choose an Independent Texas Mortgage Banker over a Big Bank

When shopping for a new home, one of your first steps should be to become pre-approved for your home loan. Where should you go for that pre-approval? And where should you go for the actual mortgage loan? To a small, … Continue reading

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